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Hi, I'm Alexis

I’m a business consultant committed to helping real estate leaders and entrepreneurs build massive wealth while working less hours.

A therapist and longtime friend once told me, “It is time to unlock your potential and stop allowing fear to dictate your business and your life any longer.” 


This is where I found myself at a crossroads. Up until that point, I had lived my life chasing after money, which felt like a relentless pursuit driven by deep-seated fear of scarcity. Fear dictated all of my choices for far too long. I was a successful realtor but beneath the surface, I was plagued by doubt, unfulfillment, and fear. 


Do you ever feel like your life is a jumble of activities that yield no real progress? That is exactly how Alexis felt. I was tired of living paralyzed by overwhelm and knew that something had to change. It was then that I made the pivotal decision to stop living in scarcity and start investing in myself and my business. So I hired a business coach, which set me on a transformative path.


Early on, my coach posed a question that would forever alter the course of my life: "What is your life mission?" This helped me uncover a revelation. Like so many successful agents, I realized I had been in the cycle of working but without purpose.     


Within that first year of clarity, I grew my business tenfold and embraced my new life’s profound transformation. I went from fear and uncertainty to purpose and success aiming to serve as a shining example and testament to the incredible potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.  


My mission became clear—to exemplify what can be achieved.

A therapist and longtime friend once told me, “It is time to unlock your potential and stop allowing fear to dictate your business and your life any longer.”  This is where I found myself at a crossroads. Up until that point, I had lived my life chasing after money, which felt like a relentless pursuit driven by deep-seated fear of scarcity. Fear dictated all of my choices for far too long. I was a successful realtor but beneath the surface, I was plagued by doubt, unfulfillment, and fear.  Do you ever feel like your life is a jumble of activities that yield no real progress? That is exactly how Alexis felt. I was tired of living paralyzed by overwhelm and knew that something had to change. It was then that I made the pivotal decision to stop living in scarcity and start investing in myself and my business. So I hired a business coach, which set me on a transformative path. Early on, my coach posed a question that would forever alter the course of my life: "What is your life mission?" This helped me uncover a revelation. Like so many successful agents, I realized I had been in the cycle of working but without purpose.      Within that first year of clarity, I grew my business tenfold and embraced my new life’s profound transformation. I went from fear and uncertainty to purpose and success aiming to serve as a shining example and testament to the incredible potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.   My mission became clear—to exemplify what can be achieved.

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When I reached what I thought was the peak of my career, I felt more lost than ever.

I was a successful executive managing a 800+ person, multi-billion dollar branch. My six-figure income was stable, but week after week, I helplessly watched as my time wasn’t mine. I wasn’t pursuing my passion for leadership, I wasn’t working for my big “why,” I wasn’t living in abundance, and I certainly wasn’t spending my time the way I wanted. I started to crack and searched for help. 


That’s when I connected with the transformative business coach who helped me reshape my life and professional outlook. After stepping back and zeroing in, I learned that I had to free myself from the limiting beliefs that were creating a suffocating and trapped life. Collaborating with a coach gave me immense clarity and it finally hit me: working 60 hours a week isn’t success.

Fast forward to today, where I have crafted my unique coaching methodology and have worked with thousands of people globally to achieve the clarity that I was lucky enough to find. I have made it my mission to help real estate leaders and entrepreneurs realize that they can have it all, shift their mindset from scarcity to abundance, and guide them to build the six-, seven-, and eight-figure business of their dreams, and make more money while working less hours. 


And we’re just getting started!

A therapist and longtime friend once told me, “It is time to unlock your potential and stop allowing fear to dictate your business and your life any longer.”  This is where I found myself at a crossroads. Up until that point, I had lived my life chasing after money, which felt like a relentless pursuit driven by deep-seated fear of scarcity. Fear dictated all of my choices for far too long. I was a successful realtor but beneath the surface, I was plagued by doubt, unfulfillment, and fear.  Do you ever feel like your life is a jumble of activities that yield no real progress? That is exactly how Alexis felt. I was tired of living paralyzed by overwhelm and knew that something had to change. It was then that I made the pivotal decision to stop living in scarcity and start investing in myself and my business. So I hired a business coach, which set me on a transformative path. Early on, my coach posed a question that would forever alter the course of my life: "What is your life mission?" This helped me uncover a revelation. Like so many successful agents, I realized I had been in the cycle of working but without purpose.      Within that first year of clarity, I grew my business tenfold and embraced my new life’s profound transformation. I went from fear and uncertainty to purpose and success aiming to serve as a shining example and testament to the incredible potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.   My mission became clear—to exemplify what can be achieved.


Massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue eget. Vel orci porta non pulvinar.

Massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue eget. Vel orci porta non pulvinar. Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna.

Sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum. Sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor. Fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor.


Took a huge leap of faith and moved to Boise, Idaho with a new role of president of a 500-person brokerage.


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Working 30 hours per week, growing my business to seven figures and beyond, and teaching the methodology I developed to thousands of others to help them do the same.


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I took another leap of faith and left my six-figure, salaried position knowing that abundance was on the other side waiting for me.


My lightbulb moment: I realized that my results could be duplicated, so I asked myself, “Why am I not helping other real estate professionals and executives do the same?” and my coaching business was born.

My lightbulb moment: I realized that my results could be duplicated, so I asked myself, “Why am I not helping other agents and brokerages do the same?” and my coaching business was born. 


I touched my first 150 lives through my coaching and consulting done at my role with KW Boise.


Hired my first business coach who helped me realize my passion for leadership and development.


Became a licensed real estate agent—following in my mom's footsteps—and made my first $30k by selling my first two homes.


Received international recognition for bringing in $972k of revenue in 54 days all while working 35 hours per week.


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Juggling 30+ clients and slumping back into the long hours I worked to escape, so I hired a business coach who brought me back to my why.

My Journey
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If you are...

Feeling stuck in the cycle of 60 hours a week without any gain
Doing the right things in the wrong order and you aren’t gaining any return
Constantly in fear of where your next transaction will come from

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I’ve been there, and you don’t have to live like this anymore.

You’re still here for a reason.

Your life doesn’t need to be an endless cycle of more hours without more results.

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"Life by design doesn’t mean sacrifice by default; it means sacrifice by choice"

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Why trust me as your coach?


​In the past 15 years, I have:​ 

  • Grown and led a $3.3B+ organization

  • Received considerable recognition from Idaho Business Review's Accomplished Under 40, Entrepreneur Magazine, Greenbelt Magazine, OutFront Magazine, and #5 on Women We Admire's Top 50 Women Leaders of Idaho 2024 

  • Crafted a methodology that has been recognized by thousands of real estate agents, brokerage owners, and entrepreneurs internationally

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